KTU Application 2022-2023 Register Below *Select Today's DatePersonal DataName0/75E MailPermanent Address0/200Please provide your full address: Street; City, State, Zip CodeWhich category below includes your age? 17 and younger 18-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 and older Date of BirthDD/MM/YY for example (01/23)78)Marital Status- Select the appropriate dropdownSingle Married Divorced Widowed What is your gender? Female Male FTM/transgender man/trans man MTF/transgender woman/trans woman gender queer [identifying as neither man or woman] prefer not to disclose and not listed What is your race? Black or African American Hispanic or Latino White American Indian or Alaska Native Chinese Korean Japananese Samoan Chamorro Asian Indian Filipino Vietnamese Native Hawaiian Other Asian Other Pacific Islander other not listed Country of Birth0/50Native Language0/50*Religion0/75Denomination0/75*Program To Which Application is MadeCertificate Associate Bachelor Master Doctorate Portfolio Mode of Study Full Time Part Time Day Classes Evening Classes Weekend External Online Portfolio *SEMESTER YOU WISH TO ENROLLFall 2020 Spring 2021 Summer 2021 Fall 2022 Incoming ClassificationFreshman Transfer Re-Enrollee Other Which of the following categories best describes your military status?No military experience Active Armed Forces Member Retired Veteran Disabled Veteran Veteran Which of the following categories best describes your employment status? Employed and working 40 or more hours a week Employed working 1-39 hours per week Not employed but looking for work Not employed and not seeking employment Retired Disabled and not able to work Do you have any disability? No Yes If you have a disability please specify below.0/125*Do you require special assistance? No Yes If you special assitance, please specify below.0/150Extracurricular ActivitiesAchievements*How do you plan to pay for your education? One-time payment Student loan Payment plan other If you selected other for your payment plan, please specify below.Please Attach An Copy of Your TranscriptAttach a copy of your government issued photo ID or Driver's LicenceAttach one character reference Fields with (*) are compulsory.