Divinity in Prophetical Studies Programs of Study

Program Description
The Divinity degrees in Prophetical Studies are designed to give the student an in-depth knowledge into biblical prophesies, revelations, dreams and visions. To teach students about the gifts and office of the prophetic; the streams of the prophetic flow; Prophetic history as it relates to Bible Prophets; Modern day prophets and the next prophetic move; end-time events with special topics in the news.
Knowledge comes from God and prophecies are based and tested by the Word of God, the Holy Bible which speaks with Divine Authority
The university maintains this concentration in order to provide students the education in Prophetical Studies required to accomplish their educational goals in the area of prophetic.
program objectives
The objective of this program is a basic to the general purpose and philosophy, and is in keeping with the objective of the university. Specifically these programs of study enable students to:
1. Demonstrate general knowledge of the foundation of Prophetical studies.
2. Develop an understanding of the Biblical applications of Prophetical studies.
3. Developing an understanding of the Divinity of the prophetic.
4. To become Ambassadors of the gospel of Jesus Christ through community involvement in spreading the gospel
5. Develop an understanding and interpretation of biblical prophetic scriptures.
6. Develop an understanding of end time events as relates to biblical teaching.
7. Develop an in-depth working knowledge of biblical revelations knowledge variations prophetic manuscripts and prophetic books.
8. Achieve skills in research Methodology and preparation of major research project.
- Associate Degree
- Bachelor Degree
- Master Degree
- Doctorate Degree
Prior Knowledge/prerequisites
The prerequisite for enrollment in the Associate of Divinity in Prophetical studies is a GED or High School Diploma. For enrollment in the Bachelor of divinity in Prophetical studies is in earned Associate of Divinity in Prophetical studies. For enrollment in the Master of Divinity and Prophetical studies is in earned degree and Bachelor of divinity and Prophetical studies. For enrollment in the Doctor of Divinity and Prophetical studies is an earned degree in Master of Divinity in Prophetical studies. These prerequisites should include a minimum of 19 credit hours in Bible.
Course # Course Name Credit
En-131 English Grammar 3 credit hours
En-132 English Composition 3 credit hours
Bi-122 O.T Survey 3 credit hours
Bi-123 N.T. Survey 3 credit hours
Bi-134 Manners & Customs I 3 credit hours
Bi-135 Manners & Customs II 3 credit hours
Ph-122 Beginning Hermeneutics 3 credit hours
Ma-131 Basic Mathematics 3 credit hours
Bi-131 The Pentateuch 3 credit hours
Th-221 Bible Doctrine I 3 credit hours
Th-222 Bible Doctrine II 3 credit hours
Th-331 Systematic Theology I 3 credit hours
Th-332 Systematic Theology II 3 credit hours
Bi-132 Israel’s History 3 credit hours
Bi-136 The Gospels 3 credit hours
Pm-121 Biblical Research & Writing 2 credit hours
Mi-121 Evangelism 3 credit hours
Di-223 Know Your Bible 3 credit hours
Di-235 A Christian Atheist Dialogue 4 credit hours
Di-239 Rediscovering the Dead Sea Scroll 3 credit hours
Di-331 No God but One 3 credit hours
Di-336 Finding the Historical Christ 4 credit hours
Total 64 credit hours
Course # Course Name Credit
Dp-314 Releasing the spirit of Prophecy 3 Credit hours
Dp-317 Discovering the seer in you 3 Credit hours
Dp-318 Apostles and Prophets 3 Credit hours
Dp-319 The Secret Power of Covenant 3 Credit hours
Dp-321 Seeing the Voice of God 3 Credit hours
Dp-323 Leadership Principles I 2 Credit hours
Dp-324 Leadership Principles II 2 Credit hours
Dp-326 Releasing the Power of the Prophetic 3 Credit hours
Dp-329 Kingdom Principles I 3 Credit hours
Dp-422 Kingdom Principles II 3 Credit hours
Dp-423 Growing in the Prophetic 3 Credit hours
Dp-425 Prophetic Pitfalls and Principles 3 Credit hours
Dp-427 Prophetic Calendar 3 Credit hours
Dp-431 Understanding your place in the Kingdom 3 credit hours
Dp-434 Voice of a Prophet 3 credit hours
Dp-435 The Power of Character in Leadership 3 credit hours
Dp-437 The Seer Realm 3 credit hours
Dp-439 Wisdom for Business 3 credit hours
Bi- 322 Intro to O.T Prophetic Books 3 credit hours
Bi- 324 The Minor Prophets 3 credit hours
Bi- 425 Daniel 3 credit hours
Bi- 426 Revelation 3 credit hours
Total 64 credit hours
Course # Course Name Credit
Bi-537 Isaiah 2 credit hours
Th-535 Dream Encounters 3 credit hours
Dp-531 Gazing into the Glory 3 credit hours
Dp-532 Managing Money God’s Way 2 credit hours
Dp-533 Catching the Spirit of Excellence 2 credit hours
Dp-534 A Time to Prosper 2 credit hours
Dp-536 Unlocking the Heavens 2 credit hours
Dp-537 From Curses to Blessing 3 credit hours
Dp-538 The Supernatural Ways of Royalty 2 credit hours
Dp-539 Lesson from Elijah 2 credit hours
Dp-540 Lesson from Elisha 2 credit hours
Dp-619 Mystery of the Shemith 3 credit hours
Dp-621 Reclaiming God’s Original Purpose for your Life 3 credit hours
Dp-622 The Most Important Person on Earth 2 credit hours
Dp-623 The Principal and Power of Vision 3 credit hours
Dp-625 How to Know the Voice of God 3 credit hours
Dp-626 How to Fulfil God’s Vision 2 credit hours
Dp-627 Directions to your Wealthy Places 3 credit hours
Dp-628 Favor in Famine 2 credit hours
Dp-629 Keys to Promotion 2 credit hours
Total 48 credit hours
SPT-698 Master’s Thesis 6 credit hours
Course # Course Name Credit
Dp-721 Prophetic Advantage 3 credit hours
Dp-722 Understanding Bible Mysteries 3 credit hours
Th- 724 Ecclesiology 3 credit hours
Dp-736 How to Accelerate your Harvest 3 credit hours
Dp-789 How to Prosper in any Recession 3 credit hours
Dp-741 Divinity Code 3 credit hours
Dp-742 Eschatology 3 credit hours
Dp-755 Prophets & the Prophetic Movement 3 credit hours
Dp-763 Prophetic Perspective 3 credit hours
Dp-835 Quantum Glory 3 credit hours
Dp-844 Ancient Portals of Heaven 3 credit hours
Dp-847 Kingdom Principals for Financial Increase 3 Credit hours
Dp-921 Voice of A Prophet 3 Credit hours
Dp-922 Deciphering End Time Prophetic Code 3 Credit hours
Dp-923 The Torah Blessings 3 Credit hours
Dp-925 The Purpose of man 3 Credit hours
Dp-927 How Heaven Invades Earth 3 Credit hours
Dp-929 Lesson from David 3 Credit hours
Dp-931 Anointed for Business 3 Credit hours
Dp-934 Lifestyle of a Prophet 3 Credit hours
Dp-935 Kingdom Worship 3 Credit hours
Dp-942 Gift of Prophecy 2 Credit hours
Dp-943 The Making of a Prophet 3 Credit hours
Total 68 credit hours
SPT-Dis 898 Dissertation 9 credit hours