Intercultural Studies Programs of Study

Program Description
The degrees offered in Divinity are awarded to students completing 64 credit hours for Associate of Arts; an additional 64 credit hours for Bachelor of Arts; 48 Credit hours for Master and 68 Credit Hours for Doctorate. This program is designed to combine the core classes’ electives, and special topics with the general requirement for completion of each degree study.
program objectives
The objectives of these programs are basic to the institution’s general purpose and philosophy, and are in keeping with the objectives of the particular concentration. Specifically, these programs of study enable students to:
1. Demonstrate a general knowledge of the Bible, including a comprehensive understanding of the major books on Human Services
2. Develop an understanding of the underlying principles of Biblical
3. Apply correct biblical principles in decision making and personal Christian
4. Make effective use of the Bible in a particular ministry of general Christian
5. Develop a understanding of the historical application Human Services of
religion in America and elsewhere;
6. Develop a working knowledge of various manuscripts and translation of
the Bible;
7. Achieve skills in research methodology and preparation of major research
- Associate Degree
- Bachelor Degree
- Master Degree
- Doctorate Degree
Prior Knowledge/prerequisites
The prerequisite for enrollment in the Associate in Intercultural studies is a GED or High School Diploma. For enrollment in the Bachelor in Intercultural studies is in earned Associate in Intercultural studies. For enrollment in the Master in Intercultural studies is an earned degree in Bachelor in Intercultural studies. For enrollment in the Doctor in Intercultural studies is an earned degree in Master in Intercultural studies. These prerequisites should include a minimum of 19 credit hours in Bible.
Course # Course Name Credit
En-132 English Composition 3 credit hours
Bi-122 O.T Survey 3 credit hours
Bi-123 N.T. Survey 3 credit hours
Bi-134 Manners & Customs I 3 credit hours
Bi-135 Manners & Customs II 3 credit hours
Ph-122 Beginning Hermeneutics 3 credit hours
Mi-123 Missions 3 credit hours
Pm-121 Biblical Research & Writing 2 credit hours
Bi-131 The Pentateuch 3 credit hours
Th-221 Bible Doctrine I 3 credit hours
Th-222 Bible Doctrine II 3 credit hours
Be-ICS 223 Introduction to Intercultural Communication 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 224 Gender Conflict I 4 credit hours
Be-ELA 225 Gender Conflict II 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 227 Intercultural Commutation and Global Learning I 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 228 Intercultural Commutation and Global Learning II4 credit hours
Be-ICS 231 Transnational Civil Society and Conflict 4 credit hours
Be-ICS- 234 Gender Studies I 4 credit hours
Be-ICS- 235 Gender Studies II 4 credit hours
Total 64 credit hours
Course # Course Name Credit
Di-435 Formation of Christian Tradition 3 credit hours
Di-442 Christianity in the Reformation Period 3 credit hours
Ph-332 Apologetics 3 credit hours
Th-421 Law and Grace 3 credit hours
Be-ELA 311 Public Speaking 3 credit hours
Be-ICS 314 Rhetorical Studies 3 credit hours
Be-ELA 406 Communication, Culture, and Community 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 414 Global Communication 3 credit hours
Be-ELA 420 Language and Social Interaction 4 credit hours
Be-ELA 327 Leading and shaping an Ethical Culture 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 434 Western Culture 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 436 Human Rights the Roles of Law and Ethics 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 437 Theories of International Conflict: Social Culture Approaches 4 credit hours
Di-457 Biblical Ethics 3 credit hours
Di-461 A Case for Divinity of Jesus 3 credit hours
Di-463 A Case for the Existence of God 3 credit hours
Di-449 Constructive Christian Theology I 3 credit hours
Di- 455 Constructive Christian Theology II 3 credit hours
Bi-428 General Epistles 4 credit hours
Total 64 credit hours
Course # Course Name Credit
Di-HS-523 Radical and Cultural Diversity in the Helping Professions 3 Credit hours
Be-ICS 518 Multiculturalism in the U.S 4 credit hours
Be-ELA 601 Translation and Interpretation Studies I 4 credit hours
Be-ELA 603 Translation and Interpretation Studies II 4 credit hours
Be-ELA 606 Border- Crossing Comparative
Cultures of Diaspora I 4 credit hours
Be-ELA 607 Border- Crossing Comparative
Cultures of Diaspora II 4 credit hours
Th-620 The Holy Spirit 3 credit hours
Th-624 The Doctrine Humanity 3 credit hours
Th-628 The Church 3 credit hours
Th-632 Counterpoints Theological Studies 3 credit hours
Th-634 The View on the Historical Adam 3 credit hours
Th-637 The View on the Christian Spirituality 3 credit hours
Th-639 Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond 4 credit hours
Th-646 Political Church 3 credit hours
Total 48 credit hours
SPT-698 Master’s Thesis 6 credit hours
Course # Course Name Credit
Th-715 Survey of Christian Ethics 4 credit hours
Th-723 Soteriology 3 credit hours
Th-724 Ecclesiology 3 credit hours
Th-726 Pneumatology 4 credit hours
Th-807 Biblical Metaphysics 4 credit hours
Th-808 Biblical Epistemology 4 credit hours
Th-809 Biblical Ontology 4 credit hours
Th-827 Paulian Theology 4 credit hours
Th-829 Politics and Religion 4 credit hours
Pr-930 Mutual Intercultural Relations 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 700 Exploration in Intercultural Thinking 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 701 Developing Research Competence in
Intercultural Communication 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 702 International Perspective on Equality and
Diversity in Education 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 708 International Diplomacy 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 712 Intercultural Engagement at
Work and Communities 4 credit hours
Be-ICS 715 Translating for International Organizations I 3 credit hours
Be-ICS 716 Translating for International Organizations II 3 credit hours
Be-ICS 804 Post- Colonial Literature, Genres and Theories 4 credit hours
Total 68 credit hours
SPT-Dis 898 Dissertation 9 credit hours