Our Academic Leaders & Faculty
Faculty are the heart of the university and KTU supports their personal development, research, teaching , and service in order to cultivate and nurture our best investment for our thriving university.
A directory of our Administrative and Instructional Faculty are provided below.

Dr. Veronica Smoot
Dean of Alumni Affairs/Professor Alumni AffairsBiography
Dr. Veronica L Smoot is one of the Professors at Kingdom Truth University, advancing the Kingdom of God through academia. Dr. Smoot is a born-again believer that believes that advancing the Kingdom of God is serious work and one of her assignments as a child of God. For her, teaching is a delight, and she does it with enthusiasm.
In 2018 she was chained as Dean of Alumni Affaires of KTU; and honor that she doesn’t take for granted.
When not working with the University, Dr. Smoot is a Quality Analyst for a company that is a contractor for the government. Attention to detail is one of the most important aspects of being a Quality Analyst, but it’s also important to remember that the main focus of the job is to help, and not to condemn. Studying as a counselor has enhanced this compassion.
Dr. Smoot also serves in many capacities at her local fellowship, one being writer and editor of their annual magazine.
Dr. Smoot holds a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and a Doctorate degree in Christian Counseling from Kingdom Truth University.